International Day of Monuments and Sites 2024:
Disasters & Conflicts Through the Lens of the Venice Charter
ICOMOS Ireland WEBINAR from 16 April 2024
can be viewed here
Outline of Webinar
“Disaster and Conflict Resilient Heritage – Preparedness, Response and Recovery” was chosen as the theme for the ICOMOS Triennial Scientific Plan 2024-2027, the General Assembly 2023 in Sydney.
The Venice Charter emerged in 1964, two decades after WWII and in an age that promised limitless progress and economic development. Six decades later, we face a climate emergency, a growing number of natural disasters as well as conflicts destroying cultural sites and displacing communities on a massive scale.
“The intention in conserving and restoring monuments is to safeguard them no less as works of art than as historical evidence” (Article 3) while maintaining them on a “permanent basis” (Article 4).
The International Day for Monuments and Sites (IDMS) is each year celebrated in April, provides us with a unique opportunity to raise awareness of this foundational instrument which is at the core of ICOMOS’ history and identity and to consider the threats to our cultural heritage.
ICOMOS Ireland will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Venice Charter later in 2024.
Professor Loughlin Kealy – ‘Post trauma recovery and ideals of conservation’
Professor Loughlin Kealy is Emeritus Professor of Architecture and FRIAI, advises national and international bodies, helping to shape public policy on architecture and the protection of the built cultural inheritance.
Dr Will Megarry – ‘Conservation in a New Climate: Rethinking Heritage Practice in the Climate Emergency’ – Dr Will Megarry is Senior Lecturer at QUB, archaeologist, geographical information systems (GIS) and heritage management specialist. ICOMOS Focal Point for Climate Change and Expert Member on ISC on Archaeological Heritage Management.
Dr Elizabeth Shotton – ‘The Impact of Climate Change on Ireland’s Piers and Quays’
Associate Professor Elizabeth Shotton teaches construction technology and design in the UCD Architecture programme and is leading a study on Ireland’s Minor Harbours (, examining the evolution of maritime engineering in small harbours from the seventeenth century to the present.
Anthony Corns – ‘Methods and tools for the monitoring of climate change effects on the Historic Environment’
Anthony Corns is Technology Manager, The Discovery Programme: Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland – Anthony is currently the Discovery Programme Project manager for CHERISH and the ESFRI E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) project for monitoring coastal erosion affecting archaeological sites and the risk hazard mapping undertaken for NMS.