National Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (NSC20C)


The National Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (NSC20C) was established in January 2025 as a mirror committee to ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C)

It has transitioned from the ICOMOS Ireland 20th Century Heritage Group


Background 2019 – 2024:

The ICOMOS Ireland 20th Century Heritage Work Group was convened in July 2019, and held its first formal meeting in September 2019.

The Work Group was set up following a successful submission by a joint DoCoMoMo and ICOMOS Ireland ad hoc Group, to the InnovConcrete research project to identify the “100 of the 20th”century concrete structures in Europe in 2018. 100 from the 20th is online now! and the consequential seminar hosted by ICOMOS Ireland, entitled Does Ireland have a 20th Century Concrete –based Cultural Heritage? 

In March 2019 some members of the InnovConcrete ad hoc Group and ICOMOS Ireland members met Sheridan Burke, (the then) ICOMOS ISC20C Secretary General, who outlined the work of the ISC202C and encouraged the formation of a Work Group as a first step towards the possible establishment of a NSC20C.

The ICOMOS Ireland 20th Century  Heritage Work Group  had 15 members with a wide range of practical and academic experience in the 20th century built environment, who are motivated by the belief that 20th century heritage in Ireland needs to be recognised and better understood. The Work Group provided a network to share information about projects, publications and events relating to  20th century cultural heritage in Ireland.   

At the initial meeting it was decided that our outline programme would be:- 

To build momentum and with the intent of having Terms of Reference and an outline Action Plan 2020-2023 for an ICOMOS Ireland 20th Century Heritage Work Group and [possibly] overall aims/aspirations of a NSC20 Committee by January 2020.


Achievements of the 20th Century  Heritage Work Group 2019-2024:

 A Preliminary Desk Top Survey of 20th Century Buildings in Co. Laois was completed in October 2020. Members of the ICOMOS Work Group presented the Preliminary Survey and Findings to the Co Laois Heritage Officer and Senior Planner in May 2021. It was tentatively suggested that survey could be the focus of a County Laois Heritage Week event – an exhibition or a walk. John Beattie followed up with the new Heritage Officer in early 2023 which led to walking tour of 20th Century Heritage of Portlaoise during Heritage Week 2023.

Members of the Work Group have made presentations at Members Meetings, organised the Members Summer Trip to Ardnacrusha Power Station and represented ICOMOS Ireland at ISC20C AGMs and symposiums.

In November 2023 the 20th Century Heritage Work Group organised the Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture

Conserving Twentieth Century Heritage For An Equitable, Sustainable Future presented by Susan Macdonald Co-President of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) and Head of Buildings and Sites at the Getty Conservation Institute. The 20th Century Heritage Work Group collaborated Dublin City Council and the UCD School of Architecture, Environmental Policy and Urban Planning on their Symposium – Generous Architectures: Late 20th-century buildings in Dublin: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s + the circular economy.


NSC20C Committee

President/Convenor – Angela Rolfe

Vice-President – Charles Duggan

Secretary – John Beattie

Members – Willy Cumming, Emmeline Henderson, Merlo Kelly, Ellen Rowley

Grainne Shaffrey and Shona O’Keeffe (EP).


NSC20C Terms of Reference:

  • To demonstrate the importance and value of retaining and conserving 20th century cultural heritage in Ireland;
  • To raise awareness by public engagement;
  • To extend recognition and protection to 20th century buildings and environments.

The NSC20C Triennial Programme will align, where practicable, with the current ISC20C Triennial Action Plan.